You have amazing people in your church. Your city or nation has issues. You have people that want to make a difference. You want to see the Kingdom of Heaven transform your region. However, you don't know what to do or have the extra time to create something that would accomplish all of these goals.
We have created a tool to help train and mobilize people to be world changers. The church must accelerate the development and deployment of people, as well as, learn how to work together if we are to see transformation at a city or national level. This simple format can be replicated in churches or city-wide gatherings and may be tailored to fit your unique culture and environment. Collabs meet once a month. However, we recommend adding a mid-month online gathering as a way to keep momentum without monopolizing people's time. Below is an explanation of the three main components for each Collabs session.
Only transformed people can bring transformation. We share a short teaching on a key leadership or kingdom principle so people can be effective and influential in their sphere of influence. Usually the training will be centered around the guided exercise that will be followed in the breakout groups. We can provide these teachings in a video or outline format depending on your preference.
Everyone breaks into groups according to their metron or sphere of influence. They partner with the Holy Spirit to discover root issues and solutions along with the strategies for implementation. We find that this strengthens the relationships in your church through common passion, networking and shared resources.
We bring the groups back together to share what the Holy Spirit revealed and the solutions that are being implemented. We find that each sphere is connected and interdependent on at least two other metrons. This step allows different spheres to share information and resources.
How do I get started?
Terri S.
So far it has been more than awesome and it is only going to get better. I cannot ever recall seeing a group of believers that are so passionate about expanding God's Kingdom.
Ruth E.
Working with others has helped me to get unstuck. I can see that when we work together we have the courage, strength and resources to bring real solutions.
Jeff G.
I think Collabs has shown us that there is a practical way to change this world and bring God's kingdom to earth.